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University of Ibadan Students Assaulted by School Security Team, in Operation Burst Custody over Tuition Hike Protest

13 May

Reported by Ibadan Media

Four students
of the University of Ibadan were arrested and detained by the university\'s
security team on Monday for protesting against the tuition fee hike and are in
the custody of Operation Burst soldiers in Oyo State. 
It was
gathered that Femi Adeyeye, Nice Linus, Aduwo Ayodele, and Mide Gbadegbesin
were beaten and dragged by the security team for protesting over the recent
hike in tuition fees in the school before being handed over to Operation Burst

One of the protesters,
Femi Adeyeye is the National Publicity Secretary of the African Action Congress
confirmed to news reporters on Monday that the university\'s security team
assaulted them during the #FeesMustFall protest before being handed over to
Operation Burst. “We are
presently at Operation Burst. UI security officers swooped on us as I joined UI
students to raise placards inside the hall directly at the VC. “They
dragged us, beat us, and then called soldiers from Operation Burst,” he said.

In the
meantime, the Take It Back Movement is demanding the prompt and unconditional
release of the protestors. They stated on their X platform on Monday, “@activistfemi,
Aduwo Gabriel, and two others have now been traced to the operation burst
office at Ibadan after they were arrested, and assaulted by @HQNigerianArmy
officers for protesting the fee increment in UI. We demand their immediate and
unconditional release!”

According to
SaharaReporters, the students were detained at the school\\\'s security post. 
Efforts to reach the school management for comments proved

According to them, in April, the UI Students Union Executive
Council, headed by Samuel Samson Tobilola, condemned the tuition hike with a
750 percent increase for new students. 
The Student Council Union had demanded that the fee increment
be immediately reverted to the status quo and also requested a meeting with the
school management to resolve the issue 
The student leadership made this position known following the
reflection of the increment on the university portal.

In a special release, the union observed that the new fees
range from N133,500 to N372,500 depending on the course of study.

“We note with concern that this increment represents about
450% to 750% of the previous bundle fee which ranged from about N20,000 to
N30,000,” the student body said, noting that it was not in support of the
It also advised fresh students to be patient and not rush to pay
the new fee. 
It strongly denounced the increment and requested that the
proposed raise be reverted to the previous status quo. \"We are also requesting a meeting with the University
Management towards resolving this issue,\" it said.

Indy Press, a student publication, reported that on April 11,
2024, the Students’ Representative Council (UI’SRC) led by Rt. Hon. Omotunde
Olamide convened an emergency session to address the inflated fees for incoming
students and ascertain the union\'s position on the matter.

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